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Education positive

Education positive: les principles


Positive parenting parents set clear boundaries and rules for their children. At the same time, they also give them lots of love and affection.

Positive education: definition

The positive educational style is a form of democratic education. Combining elements of authoritarian and permissive styles, it is considered the ideal balance in education.

In positive parenting, parents support their children in every way and act in a caring and caring manner. At the same time, they also control them relatively strictly. Although they evolve in a framework with clearly defined rules and limits, children brought up according to the principles of positive education benefit from a great freedom of development and autonomy. Many experts in psychology and pedagogy consider positive education to be the most successful model.

The positive educational style: characteristics

Freedoms are part of positive education in the same way as rules. They are clearly defined, negotiated and justified. In this way, children learn on their own initiative to behave properly and to become responsible. If the children do not respect the rules imposed on them, they are punished. However, unlike authoritarian education, punishments are adapted to the situation and known in advance: children who benefit from a positive education are always aware of the consequences of their behavior.

Despite the expectations placed on them, positively raised children receive a lot of support, love and attention. They are informed about everything related to education and daily life so that they know exactly what their parents expect of them. For their part, parents take into account the wishes and opinions of their children with regard to education. Respect is the key word in every discussion and negotiation, which often results in a strong emotional bond and a relationship of trust between parents and children.

Advantages and disadvantages of positive education

Positive parenting has many benefits. Children educated on this model are generally very sure of themselves and integrate well into society, and this also in adulthood. Children who benefit from a positive upbringing are responsible, independent and express themselves well. Because of this, their subsequent professional life is often crowned with success.

In addition, they show good manners, treat people with respect, are balanced and fit well into social groups. Since they maintain a very good relationship with their parents and have been educated with kindness, these children also show themselves later on to be able to get involved in the framework of partnerships. They are willing to compromise and strive to find solutions to problems that arise.

The disadvantages of positive parenting sometimes result from the approach of always acting in a strict and consistent way. If a child does not respect the fixed rule, the parents punish him systematically and without exception, at least in theory, which can become excessive because it is sometimes necessary to show a little more indulgence. However, most parents who use positive parenting have good intuition and know how to adapt their methods to the situation.

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